Who are we
We take care of your tangerines to offer you the best taste in the field
Where the mountains embrace the tangerines

The coolest product on the market. With just 1 click: from the tree to the table. When you do the command, we collect your fruit individually and we will send directly to your table. You can follow with the web installed on the farm.
In the Masia Martins we care about you, we work throughout the year to bring home the tangerines in the Valley of the Ebro, declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.
Witness of product finished to harvest: In each command it will send a small branch of the same tree where has harvested the fruit as a guarantee of freshness. Direct from the field to your home without any treatment after the harvest. Speed and freshness are our quality guarantors.
Direct fruit of the tree You can find different calibers in the same order. We do not generate food embezzlement. Fruits collected in the optimum moment of his maturation chosen one to an in order that it reach his table a product of maximum quality: more juice, sweeter, more vitamins and an exquisite flavor.
All fruits are certified with Globalgap: a guarantee that foods meet the established levels of quality and safety, and that they have elaborated following criteria of sustainability, respecting the security, hygiene and welfare of the workers and the medium ambient.